Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I think I have finally adjusted to unemployment. It took me long enough. But I have to remember that not only did I work, my job was set in a rigid environment. The school day is divided into sections of an hour or 90 minutes. Teachers and kids are conditioned to move at the sound of a nerve shattering bell no less than 12 times a day. Do that for 28 years and you might have trouble free falling through a day too.
I no longer scurry around, keeping myself properly occupied. That's evident by the number of kitty nose prints on my glass storm door and the coffee stains around my chair on the porch. The one constant in my week is the time I volunteer at Garvan Gardens. Otherwise, I am protective of my time. I don't make "set in stone" obligations and don't really like to make plans too far in advance.
Last winter was dreary and I was restless. I was ready to pack it in, ready to move to a bigger place, ready to look for a job. I'll be interested to see if my new skills can get me through the cold weather. My porch is my refuge but the cold drives me inside. Whatever winter brings, I'll be better equipped to deal with it this year.

1 comment:

kelly f said...

I'm very much looking forward to your writing this winter and hope you'll fill some of the time with your musings about the world.