Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Spring has sprung!

It may be snowing in Minnesota but it's springtime here. Spring brings us so much. This year is even more special because last year I felt so lousy. I know it's corny but I love it. The bluebirds sit on my porch rail and the little purple weedy things are blooming in the yard. Out at Garvan Woodland Gardens the daffodils are a yellow sea and in no time over 84,000 tulip bulbs will bloom. What's not to love? I've also discovered meadow saffron. They grow close to the ground like crocus but they're bigger. I can't even describe the color!

As a garden volunteer I'm afforded all kinds of opportunities to participate in special events. Yesterday a group of us stomped through the woods with clippers gathering greenery that will be used for table decorations today at the Governor's luncheon at the Arkansas tourism convention. This morning I'll join a group at the convention center to make the arrangements. I don't know how to make flower arrangements but that's okay. I'll go as much for the camaraderie as the activity. I'm finally getting the hang of retirement. The most important thing I can do is seek good company and find worthwhile projects to keep me stimulated.

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