As spring dawns my attitude improves. It's been sunny and windy with temperatures in the 60s and 70s for several days. The warm temperatures give me a preview of days to come. They also give the daffodils and tulips at Garvan Woodland Garden what they need to spring to life. Garvan Woodland Gardens is an incredible botanical garden right here in Hot Springs and it's open to the public year round. You can check it out on its website www.garvangardens.org. People of all ages and conditions come from all over the country to enjoy its beauty.
I took my seven year old great niece, Heather, out there Saturday to look for daffodils. We rode in a golf cart because it had rained and it was a little muddy. This little girl is full of curiosity and adventure and I was glad I had her contained in a vehicle. Otherwise she would have had me climbing up and down every little path that shot off the main path. She would ask where we were "allowed" to walk so she realized that some areas were off limits to foot traffic. Kids that age blow me away! I thought she'd be bored but far from it. She kept me on my toes with her millions of questions. Repeatedly, she exclaimed, "This is SOOOO beautiful!" She noticed little signs along the paths and wanted to know what they were and what they said. I explained about identification tags and she insisted we stop frequently to learn the name of what she was looking at. Sometimes she just had to get out of the cart for a better look.
In a week or two the daffodils and tulips will be out in full force and I'll insist she come back. I think we'll walk. It will do me worlds of good to scramble up and down rock paths with her, looking at the beauty through her innocent eyes.
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